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Your Spouse’s Substance Abuse May Tear Your Marriage Apart


Substance abuse is a common reason why marriages end, and your spouse’s inability to stop may lead to your divorce. The Rancho Cucamonga divorce Law Office of Taylor B. Warner, APLC, has worked on many divorces involving families torn apart by alcohol or drug abuse. We’ll discuss how common this problem is and how it impacts relationships.

The Law Office of Taylor B. Warner, APLC’s Rancho Cucamonga divorce lawyers will defend your rights and work towards the best divorce outcome for you and your family. Put our knowledge and experience to work for you. Call us today at (909) 466-5575 or complete our contact form and schedule an initial consultation so you can get the legal representation you need.

Substance Abuse Frequently Creates Problems for Married Couples

The connection between marriage breakups and alcohol abuse has frequently been studied over the past thirty years, according to the National Healthy Marriage Resources Center. Studies have compared married couples with and without substance dependence issues and have found it’s a “prominent reason for the dissolution” of marriages. 

One study placed it as the third most common issue driving divorces, behind infidelity and incompatibility. Another survey found that almost a third of couples involved in marriage counseling reported that alcohol abuse caused conflict in their marriage. 

Substance abuse by one spouse, but not the other, is especially problematic. Intoxication leads to poor judgment and reduces inhibitions, which can worsen substance abuse and result in domestic violence, infidelity, and overspending. 

A survey of 52 divorced individuals whose results were published in 2014 found that the most common “final straw” that led to divorce was infidelity, domestic violence, and substance use. 

Overall, individuals’ most often cited reasons for their divorce were the following:

  • 75% Lack of commitment
  • 59.6% Infidelity 
  • 57.7% Conflict and arguments 
  • 45.1% Marrying too young 
  • 36,7% Financial problems
  • 34.6 % Substance abuse
  • 23.5% Domestic violence

One person in half of the couples interviewed stated substance abuse was a major contributing factor to their divorce. Denial is a significant issue for those abusing substances. Of these couples, only a third of partners agreed that substance abuse was a significant problem for their relationship. Generally, survey participants stated the following:

  • The severity of the substance abuse issue was minimized during the marriage, or 
  • If they tried to address the problem, the party abusing substances wouldn’t improve and or seek help, and
  • Relationships often ended after several unsuccessful attempts to address the problem

One participant spoke for many when she stated, “He never admitted that he even drank. It wasn’t me against him. It was me against him and the disease.”

How Does Addiction Impact a Marriage?

The Addiction Group states some of the effects on a married couple can include the following:

  • The non-abusing spouse may feel betrayed, frustrated, and helpless, which can lead to emotional exhaustion
  • Financial instability because of spending on alcohol or drugs, neglected household obligations, increasing debts, and job loss
  • Frequent arguments and conflicts over behavior, failure to take responsibility for actions, and household priorities
  • Social isolation due to embarrassment or stigma, reducing their ability to cope with the situation 
  • Children may experience physical or emotional trauma or neglect, adding to the pressure on the relationship

The end result may be a toxic environment that can’t be repaired. After enough time, the non-abusing spouse will decide they’ve had enough and want to move on with their life through a divorce. If this is your situation, a Rancho Cucamonga divorce attorney can help.

Contact a Rancho Cucamonga Divorce Lawyer

Someone’s untreated substance abuse can end productive, healthy relationships, including those with a spouse or child. It’s a common problem, and if your spouse can’t make the situation right, divorce may be the best way to start your life over.

If your marriage is failing due to substance abuse, call the Rancho Cucamonga Divorce Law Office of Taylor B. Warner, APLC. Get the legal help you need, and don’t try to handle this yourself. Contact us online or call us today at 909-466-5575 to speak with a Rancho Cucamonga divorce attorney.

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