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Infidelity is a Leading Reason for Divorce. What Causes It?


Infidelity is a top cause of divorce. It may be the result of many issues that involve the individual and the relationship. Although relationships can survive after one spouse cheats on the other, if you or your spouse are unfaithful, the chances are good you’ll get divorced. Taylor B. Warner will discuss what motivates people who are unfaithful in their marriage. Divorce Law Office of Taylor B. Warner, APLC, attorneys represent spouses seeking divorces, and this is an issue we frequently see.

The Law Office of Taylor B. Warner, APLC’s Rancho Cucamonga divorce lawyers will protect your rights and work towards the best divorce outcome for you and your family. Call us today at (909) 466-5575 or complete our contact form and schedule an initial consultation so you can get the legal representation you need.

How Often Does Infidelity Cause Divorce?

About half of those married in the US cheat at least once during their marriages, according to the World Population Review. Survey responses show nearly three-quarters of men and more than two-thirds of women state they would have sex with someone other than their spouse if they couldn’t get caught. Most affairs start with co-workers or close friends and, on average, last about two years.  

Infidelity is a leading cause of divorce, according to a Psychology Today article published last year. A 1997 study based on information from thousands of married couples found that infidelity is one of the primary signs a marriage will fail. 

It significantly undermines trust and emotional security in a relationship and can cause a sense of betrayal and profound emotional pain. Cheating can make it difficult for the injured spouse to trust the other, often dooming the relationship. Infidelity isn’t just the physical act of sex but breaching the spouses’ emotional commitment and the relationship’s integrity, which are critical for a healthy marriage.

Why Do Spouses Cheat?

A 2015 Psychology Today article states that there are normally three issues that lead to infidelity:

  • The spouse typically doesn’t initially fall in love with the other person. Instead, they love the fantasy about the other person, the image they’ve created. Their partner is someone they think will meet their every need
  • Affairs are about longing and a need for external validation. People want to feel needed, attractive, and valued. They love this new image of themselves, a person getting praise and external validation
  • Many are intoxicated by the feelings they get with each encounter. They get positive external feedback and get hooked on the feelings they get when they’re with that person. 

Psych Central states a 2020 study shows there are eight main reasons why men aren’t faithful in their relationships. They include the following:

  • Anger and seeking revenge against their partner, possibly because of their infidelity or something else that caused pain
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of love and loss of commitment
  • Need for variety 
  • Sexual desire for others
  • Situational factors or the opportunity presented itself

The top reasons women cheat on their partners are discussed in a 2024 Psychology Today article. They include the following:

  • They’re unhappy and dissatisfied with their current relationship. This could be caused by unresolved conflict or detachment. Women are twice as likely than men to state this is the reason for their infidelity
  • Their partner is disengaged and uninvested in their relationship. Four times as many women as men state this caused their past infidelity
  • They seek revenge for their partner’s affair. Women are five times more likely than men to cheat for this reason
  • They’re bored or want something new. Their lives are dull or unexciting, so they see the appeal of infidelity 
  • Sexual dissatisfaction 
  • They have the opportunity to have an affair, act under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or make a bad decision. They need not be unhappy in their relationship. They allow one thing to lead to another  
  • They seek validation. They want to feel seen and understood
  • They desire or love their affair partner 
  • Their relationship is ending 
  • Their relationship is long-distance, their lives are less integrated, and there are more opportunities to have an affair 

People and relationships are complex. There may be several issues at play that lead to infidelity and divorce. An affair can be the result of serious flaws in a marriage. It may be in both spouses’ best interests if the relationship ends and they move on with their lives.

Contact a Rancho Cucamonga Divorce Lawyer

Infidelity often triggers the end of a troubled marriage. One or both partners may feel their relationship existed in name only and their spouse violated their trust. Divorce is how spouses can start their lives over instead of continuing to spend their time with someone no longer invested in the relationship.

If your marriage is failing due to infidelity, call the Rancho Cucamonga Law Office of Taylor B. Warner, APLCContact us online or call us today at 909-466-5575 to speak with a Rancho Cucamonga divorce attorney.

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