10535 Foothill Blvd, Suite 235
Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730
Taylor earned her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Point Loma Nazarene University in 2007. After working for a period of time at a quasi-governmental agency in San Diego, Taylor returned to school, attending the University of La Verne. At the University of La Verne, Taylor earned a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Master in Public Administration, graduating in 2011 and 2012, respectively. From the time Taylor graduated, she has maintained a huge commitment to her continuing education. Taylor spends hours each month on continuing legal education classes. In 2019, Taylor became a California Bar Certified Family Law Specialist.
While in law school, Taylor founded the Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF). In 2 years, Taylor was able to raise over $30,000 to fund student scholarships, enabling scholarship recipients to work in unpaid positions over the summer. These scholarships not only benefited the students by allowing them to work without financial concerns, but also helped provide access to legal assistance for needy populations. In addition to her commitment to PILF, Taylor was also in the top 20 students in her class at the end of her first year, meaning she was able to become a member of the Law Review. Once on Law Review, Taylor ultimately became the Chief Managing Editor of the Law Review for her final year at La Verne Law. Finally, Taylor was committed to helping her fellow students and volunteered to be a Contracts Teaching Assistant, which required weekly review sessions and individual tutoring. Because of her position as a Teaching Assistant, she was afforded the opportunity to edit and participate in the writing process of “Principles of Contract Law”, authored by her professors Juanda Daniel and Dean Kevin Marshall.
During law school, Taylor gained practical experience by obtaining an externship at the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office, by working as a law clerk position at a local family law office, and by participating in the Justice and Immigration Clinic at Law Verne Law.
After graduation and based on her experiential learning, Taylor decided to hang out her own shingle. Her ultimate goal was also to open her own office and with the education, skills and confidence gained in law school, no time seemed better than the present. She chose to open her office in the Inland Empire, because she grew up in the Inland Empire and had been developing professional relationships in and throughout the area.
From 2011 until present, Taylor has practiced primarily family. She has handled cases from start to finish, including numerous family law trials with complex issues. As a family law attorney in a small firm, Taylor understands the value of relationships in the community and has committed to community involvement and her continuing education.
Taylor has always been an advocate. Growing up the middle child with an older and a younger brother, Taylor developed a strong voice and personality and has always felt strongly about helping others. Becoming a lawyer seemed to fit Taylor’s personality and character – she is a strong leader and a bold advocate.
Even as a young girl, Taylor took on leadership roles. Growing up, Taylor played competitive soccer and was the captain of every team she ever played on. Taylor was also a cheerleader throughout high school and ultimately became Varsity Cheer Captain. She was voted MVP, and it was not because of her talent as a cheerleader, but her ability to lead the team. She held student council roles through middle school and high school. In college, Taylor joined outreach teams, one which fed the homeless communities in San Diego, one which mentored struggling high school student and one which traveled to third world countries, building homes for those in need.
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